Hands-on learning. Real life connections to Naragansett Bay. Youth through Adult.
Marine Career Preparation - Curriculum linked learning that makes exciting connections to science, math, technology, engineering and language arts through real maritme industry experiences with navigation boat handling, and sea-time while exploring on Narragansett Bay. Brandaris Maritime's hands-on education meets students needs and coordinates with student, teacher, parent and career specialist objectives.

the down east motor vessel
Sea Princess
the Wickford Harbor Launch General
Capt. Doug Somers, a nationally recognized Certified Leadership Instructor for US Naval Sea Cadets, is trained in STEM-based SeaPerch. (Read more about SeaPech here )
Educational Consultant, Liz Marsis, M.A., brings her love of the environment, math/science and yoga to our newest curriculum developments.
Marine Based Experiential Education -- What better way to explore marine science, technology, engineering, math (STEM) and language arts than aboard a boat? From an introductory career exploration through to earning documented "sea time," recognized maritime industry credentials, and hands-on learning for exam preparation and certification recognized by industry leader ABYC, Brandaris Maritime Marine Training Programs have a lot to offer!
•Lifelong Learning for Adults and Seniors- Click here to learn about our themed cruises for adult and senior groups.
Interesed in classes on adult model boat building? Zen of boat maintenance? Historic yatch restorations? Other topics? Contact Capt. Doug Somers to discuss your programs interests and needs.
•Special Needs Programs - If you or your group needs extra care in order to access Narragansett Bay, the Barandaris Maritime staff is committed to serving your special needs. We service Perspectives, Trudeau Center, Hearing Loss of RI and others.

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